Lectures & workshops

Are you planning a lecture, workshop or event?

Book Lifted’s inspiring and effective coaches to support your organization’s success. We offer individual lectures and workshops, as well as customized packages, in Finnish and English, both in person and remotely.


Building psychological safety and trust in a leadership role

What psychological safety means in practice

How to assess psychological safety

How can a leader develop psychological safety in the workplace

Tools for having conversations that increase psychological safety

Coach and achieve – the skill of coaching approach for leaders

What coaching approach in leadership means

What are the benefits of coaching leadership

How do I act as a leader with a coaching approach

Effective tools that support the utilization of a coaching approach

Effective interaction and communication for leaders

Principles of comprehensive listening, feedback giving, and interacting

How to build an atmosphere of openness, trust, and respect

Ways to understand and manage diverse team

Leading Hybrid Work successfully

To analyze the remote and hybrid work capability of the organization and to find the most important development targets

The role of the workplace community and each team member in creating effective practices at the interface between remote work and face-to-face work

Best practices for managing well-being and creative and efficient hybrid work

Mastering the principles of leadership – what I lead, how I lead

Which are the manager’s responsibilities and duties

How do I recognize my own strengths and areas for development as a leader

How do I define the principles of my own leadership?

How do I influence with my own leadership and interaction

How do I work more effectively in different management situations

Shared direction, duties, and roles in a Top Management Team

How to determine the role and responsibilities of the management team and the cornerstones of the leadership

How to identify the strengths and development areas of the management team and its members

What are the general challenges of management teamwork and what are the best practices

How to agree the practices, tasks and goals of top management team work

Succeeding as a leader in challenging situations and discussions

To make a correct situational analysis as a basis for constructive solutions

The importance of choosing one’s own role and approach

The role of the workplace community and each team member in creating a safe working atmosphere

Courage to have emotional conversations and use them to create trust as a basis for cooperation

Successful change management

The basic pillars of acting as a leader in change

To understand the changes, their requirements and opportunities from the perspective of the individual and the community

Effective tools and models that support success in changes

To strengthen own and the team’s resilience in change

To communicate in change and to work with your team’s response to change successfully


Become a high performing team

How to identify the strengths and challenges of the team’s current situation and to create a common vision of the team’s direction and goals

What are the most important tools for effective interaction in a team

What are the factors and abilities of a top-performing team

How to increase your team’s performance by creating psychological safety and shared rules

How to recognize your own and team members’ strengths and use these strengths more effectively

Challenging interactions and conversational intelligence

Making the correct situational analysis as the basis for constructive solutions

The importance of choosing one’s own role and approach

The courage to have emotional conversations and use them to create trust as a basis for cooperation

Ability to handle challenging conversations and also how to recover yourself

Diversity as a strength

To understand diversity and its importance as an asset of the workplace community

To take into account different people in cooperation and interaction

To increase the psychological safety of your workplace community

Giving feedback and developing feedback culture

What kind of significance does feedback have in terms of one’s own work and in the workplace community’s perspective

How to give constructive feedback

How to receive and respond to feedback

How to build a stronger and more useful feedback culture in the organization

Improve communication and the feel of community in hybrid/remote work

How to ensure the effectiveness of interaction and communication in multi-location work

Sharing information without message chaos

Good practices for remote work and virtual meetings

The importance of body language & emotional intelligence in digital interaction

Psychological safety as a common cause

What psychological safety means in practice

How to assess psychological safety

How can an individual develop psychological safety in the workplace

Tools for having conversations that increase psychological safety


Cognitive ergonomics

What is cognitive ergonomics and why should you invest in its maintenance

To observe the level of your own cognitive ergonomics and to consider the cognitive ergonomics of your work environment

Best practices for developing and maintaining cognitive ergonomics both at work and off work

Leading oneself sustainably and successfully

What is high-quality self-leadership

How you use existing resources sustainably and how you create new resources effectively

The most efficient and effective tools and thought models for self-leadership

Let’s build resilience and our ability to succeed in change

The effects of change on you and your workplace community

Ways to act in change constructively

To identify change stress and its causes

Ways to strengthen resilience and psychological safety in changes

Regulating thinking and feelings by strengthening psychological flexibility

Recovery and stress management as your resource and skill

The most effective thinking patterns in the face of challenges and stressful situations

The most effective tools for both proactive and reactive stress management and recovery

The best ways to utilize stress as your advantage in working life

Self-governance as an enabler of joint success

What self-governance and self-determination really are

What benefits you can achieve in self-driven workplace community

What are the best methods for implementing self-driven ways of working

How do you make sure you don’t stumble into the most common pitfalls of self-governance

How do you achieve a sense of control, achievement and meaning in your work every day

We have lectures also on these topics:

Performance management
Creating well-being at work as a common cause
An expert becoming a manager
Design the work – increase the engagement of work
Training for new managers
Servant leadership
Growth attitude
Sustainable self-leadership in leadership positions
Resolve disagreements, face conflicts
Leading work ability and well-being as a manager
Most important working life skills for knowledge work
Liftedin valmennuksessa
Liftedin valmennuksessa

None of these meet your needs?

We customize the training based on your needs. Whether it’s a team day or a customized lecture, fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you today. Training events are available in Finnish and English.

Are you interested?

Fill out the form below and we will contact you today!

If you wish, you can also contact us by phone or by booking a free time directly from the calendar. You can find the contact information at the bottom of the form.

Contact us:

Jukka Joutsiniemi
Developer of leadership & organizations

+358 44 271 1487

Or book a free sparring time directly from my calendar from here

Lifted – effective leadership and workplace community development and training

Lifted Oy is a Finnish company founded in 2014

Reach us at

+358 (0) 44 2711 487
Sofiankatu 4 C, 00170 Helsinki, Finland
Business ID: 2603736-2