Our goal is teamwork that creates results & supports well-being

A successful team is always more than the sum of its parts. With the help of our training, the members of your workplace community can succeed together! We develop operational models in accordance with your target culture, promote the team spirit, and improve the cooperation capabilities of teams and individuals.

Succeeding together requires excellent teamwork skills

Typically, the leadership is under scrutiny when evaluating the functionality of the organization. However, an equally important object of development is the workplace skills of all the employees, as the work is done as a community and in teams. Teams that play well together enjoy flowing everyday life, successful collaboration, and common results.

tiimityössä onnistuminen
tiimityössä onnistuminen

Modern work and working life require capability to change

Hybrid work, the diversification of workplace communities, digitalization, and changes in the operating environment challenge teams and organizations to reform flexibly. New skills and abilities are needed to promote smooth working, cooperation, and interaction in a changing environment. In modern working life, people commit only to those organizations where mutual trust and psychological safety are present.

By investing in the development of teamwork and workplace skills, you will achieve significant benefits

Mutual trust grows

In workplace communities and teams, we can communicate openly, solve problems together, and trust that help and support are always available. Psychological safety also supports through changes.

Resilience increases

The employees’ abilities match the demands of the changing working life. The workplace community and teams are able to adapt to the changing operating environment and to focus on what is essential.

Learning and development accelerate

Knowledge and know-how are shared in teams and among the members of the organization in order to achieve common goals. Development inspires and encourages even better performance.

Results and productivity

Employees and teams achieve better results, experience success, and feel that their work and skills are meaningful. A committed workplace community builds sustainable success.

Towards better teamwork!

The importance of workplace skills has received extensive attention in recent years. The effects of people skills on both well-being and productivity are now understood widely.

Winning workplace communities and teams are not born by chance. The development of teamwork requires planned steps and clear common methods of operation. Even a fragmented and mistrustful team can become a successful team through the right development measures. In a successful team, the work is productive and enjoyable – you want to be a part of the team.

Our teamwork and workplace skills training is designed and implemented according to the situation and needs of your organization.

Laadukasta vuorovaikutusta
Laadukasta vuorovaikutusta

Top experts in teamwork and workplace skills

Our coaches are highly educated, experienced, and inspiring teamwork experts. As coaching professionals, they know how to support the implementation of knowledge into daily operations in the best possible way in various organizations and situations.

All Lifted team members share these characteristics and capabilities

Deep understanding of how workplace communities, groups, and individuals function successfully

Solid experience and understanding in business and realities of working life

Versatile training, coaching, and facilitation skills combined with pedagogical expertise

Popular themes in our teamwork and workplace skill training and development

Development of the team’s common direction and operating methods
Interaction in team
Self-knowledge in teamwork
Successful management team
Giving and receiving feedback
Challenging situations and discussions in a team
Psychological safety
Building community in distributed team/organization
Diversity as a strength
Successful teamwork in hybrid and remote work
Learning and sharing knowledge in teams
Successful team leadership

We achieve the best results with long-term and goal-oriented development and training programs

We always tailor our services according to the needs of your organization.

We start the cooperation with you with a kick-off meeting, mapping, and goal-setting.

If necessary, we support the initial survey with surveys, interviews, and orienting pre-work.

We utilize the methods and tools that match the best with your goals in order to maximize the effectiveness of the program.

To implement the common principles, operating models, and lessons learned we additionally utilize, for example, various exercises, work-life experiments, and coaching.

We evaluate the effectiveness of the training several times timely, during and after the program.

Our seamless development programs are designed combining our effective methods and tools

Interactive workshops and lectures

In workshops and lectures, we create a common understanding of the core topics of teamwork & workplace skills, encourage change, and develop skills in an inspiring and concrete way. The way of working is interactive. Events are held both onsite and remotely, in English and in Finnish.

Group coaching and case clinics

In group coaching and case clinics, challenging and essential issues of working life and the workplace community can be treated constructively under the guidance of an experienced coach. The participants support each other and strengthen the important peer support network of the organization. An experienced facilitator always guides the group towards a solution.

Analyses and profiles to develop self-knowledge

We use proven analysis methods such as Workplace Big Five, DiSC, and Peili to understand personality as well as behavior and to improve self-knowledge. The methods also work well in developing the fluency of management team work and teamwork in general.

Assignments and practical exercises

Transferring new knowledge and skills into practice is guided in a supported manner between the joint events in order to achieve the desired change. Experiences from worklife are reflected both independently and collectively.

Documented teamwork principles and guidelines

The target culture and teamwork model are described by jointly prepared teamwork principles and leadership promises. The necessary practical instructions and documents such as annual calendars, task descriptions, and meeting practices can be produced together.


Guides and workbooks

If necessary, teamwork models, operating instructions or descriptions, and stories supporting the target culture can be compiled into guides. Workbooks are used in training programs, for example, as planning and monitoring tools for personal development and as an aid in reflection.

Individual coaching

Our experienced and certified coaches help employees individually. In coaching, we dive deeper into the challenges and opportunities of teamwork and the workplace. Coaching provides excellent concrete support for long-term development and overcoming individual challenges.

Surveys and effectiveness measuring

We use surveys, interviews, and other research methods to support development. Effectiveness is measured and also boosted with surveys and metrics based on the starting points of the business and the goals of the program.

Virtual learning platform

In a virtual learning platform, the information, support, and inspiration are available when there is a need and time for them. Coaches are available for interactive coaching. The learning platform combines the elements as a concise program.

We also provide individual training events for teamwork and workplace skill development

Become a high performing team

How to identify the strengths and challenges of the team’s current situation and to create a common vision of the team’s direction and goals

What are the most important tools for effective interaction in a team

What are the factors and abilities of a top-performing team

How to increase your team’s performance by creating psychological safety and shared rules

How to recognize your own and team members’ strengths and use these strengths more effectively

Challenging interactions and conversational intelligence

Making the correct situational analysis as the basis for constructive solutions

The importance of choosing one’s own role and approach

The courage to have emotional conversations and use them to create trust as a basis for cooperation

Ability to handle challenging conversations and also how to recover yourself

Diversity as a strength

To understand diversity and its importance as an asset of the workplace community

To take into account different people in cooperation and interaction

To increase the psychological safety of your workplace community

Giving feedback and developing feedback culture

What kind of significance does feedback have in terms of one’s own work and in the workplace community’s perspective

How to give constructive feedback

How to receive and respond to feedback

How to build a stronger and more useful feedback culture in the organization

Improve communication and the feel of community in hybrid/remote work

How to ensure the effectiveness of interaction and communication in multi-location work

Sharing information without message chaos

Good practices for remote work and virtual meetings

The importance of body language & emotional intelligence in digital interaction

Psychological safety as a common cause

What psychological safety means in practice

How to assess psychological safety

How can an individual develop psychological safety in the workplace

Tools for having conversations that increase psychological safety

To whom is Lifted’s teamwork development programs suitable for?

For teams who want to become successful teams

For workplace communities needing unification and improvement of teamwork, people skills, and workplace skills

For organizations to whom effective sharing of knowledge and expertise is a prerequisite for success

For organizations which need to enhance team spirit and communication

For organizations doing remote and hybrid work

For workplace communities that want to succeed in the middle of the change

For new and experienced teams and workplace communities

We help professionally small, medium and large organizations in various industries.

We have developed teamwork i.e. in the following organizations:

metsähallitus lifted
metsähallitus lifted
lifted visual components
lifted visual components

Do you want to develop teamwork & workplace skills in your organization?

Book a 30-minute sparring meeting to map your organization’s needs and to plan the most effective actions. We help develop the three most important elements of your company’s daily success: leadership, teamwork, and self-leadership. We are happy to exchange views with you on your development needs, possible solutions, and our experiences from similar situations.

We receive positive feedback from HR decision makers and C-suite leaders from our objective and informative sparring discussions. We will also be happy to make a proposal for further development actions, if this is what we jointly agree upon.

Book a sparring session

Fill out the form below and we will contact you today!

If you wish, you can also contact us by phone or by booking a time directly from our Calendar. Contact information can be found at the bottom of the form.

Contact us:

Jukka Joutsiniemi
Developer of leadership & organizations

+358 44 271 1487

Or book a free sparring time directly from my calendar from here