Lifted goes #Slush17: Showcasing our service at Samsung Innovators’ Café

SLUSH week is here! We’re really looking forward to the event days on Thursday and Friday (30.11.-1.12). You’ll find Team Lifted at two spots at the event this year: the Samsung Innovator’s Café and the Vertical Accelerator booth. Come on over, we are looking forward to meeting other entrepreneurs and innovators. And above all, we are looking forward to talking with innovative HR leaders how we could help their organization to:

  • Improve employee engagement
  • Improve individuals’ productivity
  • Reduce absences

We are showcasing our service at the Samsung innovators’ Café (close to the Founder Stage)

This year you can find us easily at Slush because we partnered with one of the event’s main partner, Samsung Suomi. We are showcasing our service throughout the event within Samsung Innovators’ Café (7B.2) close to the Founder Stage.

More precisely, you can find us at one of the Start-up demo booths located within the Samsung Innovators’ Café. Come and have a chat with us.

Also, we would love to discuss your thoughts about how to potentially develop Lifted’s online coaching programs further to get employee well-being and productivity to the next level.

Lifted at the Vertical Accelerator’s booth

We’re also at the Vertical Accelerator booth in both days. 30th of November we’re there from 2pm to 5pm and 1st of December we’re there in the morning, from 8 am to 11 am. Come and say hi, share your thoughts or just share good vibes and high fives with us – those are guaranteed both days!

In case you want to be sure to be able to have a chat with our CEO Taneli Rantala or our co-founder Jukka Joutsiniemi during Slush event days, please send them an email about your topic and suggested meeting time! ( firstname (at) ).

This year part of our crew will be at SLUSH. You can meet Taneli, Jukka, Antti, Lauri and Mikko at the event. If you spot us, come and say hi!

Not attending SLUSH this year? Follow us on Instagram and Twitter!

If you’re not able to take part of this years SLUSH, don’t you worry. We’ll keep you on track at our Instagram Story throughout the event. Make sure you follow us on Instagram @liftedfi, and we’ll share the slushy vibes with you. We’ll be also tweeting from SLUSH, so follow us on Twitter as well.  If you want to share your SLUSH experience with us, make sure to tag us in the photo – we’d love to hear your thoughts and share your experience during the event!

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